Our Tradition
Tradition can be defined as something that has stood the test of time or as ideals that have been handed down from one generation to the next. At Bil-O-Wood, we maintain a strong sense of tradition by upholding and passing on our founding values and principles to todays' campers. We practice tradition on a daily basis within the routine and activities of our daily program, such as campfire circles, the morning run, truth talks, mealtime songs and more.
Our Spirit
The Bil-O-Wood Spirit is the magical energy that is ever-present in the daily life and the people at Camp Bil-O-Wood. Although it is difficult to define and explain, it is evident the minute your feet touch the Bil-O-Wood property. Passed on from generation to generation by the campers themselves, this enthusiasm is highly infectious. Old campers return year-after-year with this enduring spirit, and new campers catch the spirit within days of arriving. The Bil-O-Wood Spirit rapidly spreads throughout camp and creates the foundation for developing our tradition and lifelong friendships.
Our Friendships
Since its beginning in 1946, Camp Bil-O-Wood has provided a warm, family environment where every camper becomes a lasting member of the Bil-O-Wood family and contributes to the positive spirit of camp life. It is friendships that keep Bil-O-Wood campers returning year after year. As campers gain an understanding and appreciation for the similarities and differences between themselves and their peers, they grow in wisdom and stature. Their experiences in camp, and in the wilderness, teach life and social skills that foster new friendships and enrich old friendships. Campers at Bil-O-Wood have the experience of a lifetime, and the friends they make are friends for life.
Our Adventure
Adventure is abundant in our Northern Ontario playground. Our location and outdoor tripping program offers an expansive network of rivers, lakes and spectacular camp sites to explore and challenge oneself in camp and in the wilderness.

Our 130 campers, ages 7 to 17, live in twelve cabins nestled among the beautiful white birch and pine trees along the shores of Bass Lake. The cabins are clean and rustic in style. Cabins have electricity, running water, and separate toilets. Male and female shower houses are located nearby. All facilities exceed Ontario Camping Association standards. Cabin groups range from 8 to 14 campers depending upon the age of the campers. Campers start at Bil-O-Wood as young as seven. These groups are usually smaller in number. We also have many campers who are with us until they graduate from high school. Bil-O-Wood’s outstanding outdoor adventure and wilderness canoe tripping program keeps campers coming back for more.
There is a counselor and an assistant in each cabin. The cabin unit is the cornerstone of life at Bil-O-Wood and is the place where our campers and the camp SPIRIT really grow.
Campers come from the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico and Australia. Bil-O-Wood provides a diverse and expansive program designed to meet the varying needs of our campers. We strive to create an experience where each camper achieves a higher level of self confidence, independence, and improved ability to live and work well with others.

Five days a week are typical days at Bil-O-Wood. On these days, we offer standard morning and afternoon activities. Campers choose a regular morning activity that they are encouraged to attend each day for a 2-week period. In the afternoon, campers are assigned rotating activities as a cabin group. The afternoon sessions allow the campers to experience all that camp has to offer. On Thursday, we change up the routine and campers go off property for group hikes or cabin overnighters. This gives the campers a chance to explore the beautiful trails, lakes, and campsites that surround our property. Sunday, is sleep-in Sunday. Campers have the option of attending breakfast or getting a little extra rest. The morning is also free for campers to swim, play a game on the athletic fields, get creative in the craft shop, or swim on the waterfront. Children who wish to attend church are taken into town for services. After lunch, the whole camp comes together to play an all-camp game such as capture the flag or town ball. In the evening, we enjoy a cookout on Vesper Rock followed by an inspiration talk and cabin truth talks.
The canoe trip program starts in week two and runs through week six. While canoeing is not mandatory, we encourage every camper to participate in an overnight or multi-day canoe trip. Our youngest campers will take a 1-2 night exploration while our oldest and most experienced campers may go out for up to 14 days. Canoe tripping at camp is lead by highly experienced leaders and is a unique outdoor experience. It is one of the most desirable and memorable experiences for our campers, and keeps them returning year after year.
8:30 AM Wake-up call
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Cabin clean-up
10:30 AM Morning activities
12:00 Noon Morning swim call
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Rest Period
3:00 PM Afternoon activities
5:00 PM Afternoon swim call
6:30 PM Dinner
7:30 PM Evening activities
9:30 PM Bedtime (young campers)
11:00 PM All campers in bed

The athletic program at Camp Bil-O-Wood has been a major part of our tradition for over 70 years. Our facilities are among the best in Ontario and include two basketball courts, two volleyball courts, a weight training pavilion, a baseball field, three tennis courts, a full size soccer field, an all sports field, and tumbling mats. Bil-O-Wood does not focus on one particular sport; instead we provide specialized instruction based on each campers desire and skill level in areas of interest. The diversity of our facilities and our program provide campers with an excellent training ground for self-improvement in any sport. Many of our athletes have experienced very successful high school and even college careers in their focused sport, while most of our campers just enjoy the opportunity of just participating in these activities during their summer.
• Baseball/Softball
• Basketball
• Football skills,
• Soccer
• Track
• Field Hockey
• Lacrosse
• Tennis
• Gymnastics
• Volleyball
• Rugby
• Archery
• Weight training
• Frisbee
Three spring-fed and clear lakes surround the Bil-O-Wood property. This allows campers to experience the finest water conditions that any camp can provide for swimming, boating, canoeing, skiing, tubing, and fishing. Safety around the water is the highest of priorities for the Bil-O-Wood staff. Each camper must complete a swim test at the start of their session to establish their skill level and ensure their safety. Special training is provided to those who need to learn to swim. The Bil-O-Wood staff is trained in Life Saving and CPR, and our certified lifeguards vigilantly supervise the waterfront at all times. Our waterfront is open for three supervised swim periods each day in addition to dedicated instructional activity periods. It is a very popular area for all of our campers and offers an abundance of fun activities including:
• Swimming
• Swimming skills
• Life Saving
• Porpoise boarding
• Knee boarding
• Wakeboarding
• Water Skiing
• Tubing
• Water trampoline
• Sailing, Fishing
• Paddle boarding
• Water polo
• Water football
• Sandcastles and beach play
Creative Program
Our creative program is a well-rounded selection of creative indoor and outdoor activities. These activities are available during the afternoon program, swim calls, or in the evening. Our directors help campers focus on their specific interests and guide them toward fostering their creative talents. Campers are welcome to bring their musical instruments to camp.
• Arts and Crafts
• Pottery
• Painting
• Woodworking
• Dramatics
• Saturday Night dances
• Music room
• Frog & Turtle hunts
• Nature hikes
• Nature Study
• Skits and shows
• Special activities
• Talent shows
• Writing
• Karaoke
Outdoor Living
Outdoor living and wilderness canoe tripping are for those campers who are ready to experience the beauty, adventure, and lifestyle of outdoor living. Camping, canoeing, and wilderness exploration are the cornerstone of our outdoor living program, and are a unique and fulfilling part of the Bil-O-Wood experience. There are few opportunities in life as excellent to learn about oneself, and to develop life skills such as teamwork, cooperation, collaboration, and resilience than on a canoe trip.
Camp Bil-O-Wood sits at the gateway to the North—a pristine web of waterways in Northern Ontario. Our canoe trips begin close to home base and extend all the way to the Southern tip of the Hudson Bay. All canoe trip assignments are based on age, interest, and level of experience. Our leaders have a great deal of canoe tripping experience and are provided with years of training on the trail as well as in camp.
Our canoe trip department teaches campers how to prepare for their trip, pack and care for their gear, design and pack-out their menu and food items, and organize and check all their equipment for a safe, comfortable experience.
• Camping & canoe trips from 2 to 12 nights
• Camping & canoe trips from 5 to 400 miles
• Campsite set up and maintenance
• Campfire building skills
• Campfire cooking skills
• Canoeing skills on flat water & white water
• Portaging
• Compass & map reading
• Axe & saw skills
• Team building
• Leadership development